FRIDAY (24th): Last class is at noon. There will be a CrossFit Games viewing party at the gym after class. Until when, exactly, is TBD depending on attendance and interest. Please refer to previous blog post on how to watch the Games at home!

SATURDAY: CLOSED. Our friends over at CrossFit of Fremont in Newark and Coach Mike Costa are welcoming CFM members to their 10:00am Partner WOD that day. Feel free to head over there to get a workout in but please remember to fill out the waiver on their site (on main page) ahead of time and PLEASE BE ON TIME TO THEIR CLASS (being on time here is always appreciated, as well).

SUNDAY: CLOSED. A lot of people who intended to come up Mission Peak with us bailed! Perhaps this would be a great day to make that up or get a swim in!

ORDER YOUR SHIRTS!!! It happens all the time. The shirt order ends and then people start asking, "Oh, hey… can I order a shirt?!" CUT OFF IS JULY 26th so get your CFM gear now! The California image is on the back of the shirt. Order here: