Work, family, house projects, social commitments. Life gets busy. Sometimes you find yourself saying, “I don’t have enough time to workout.” I understand how that can feel. Even with working in gym environment almost daily, I can fall into this trap. And it’s just that, a trap.
Quoting an article from Harvard Business Review:
“What we really mean when we say we don’t have time for an activity is that we don’t consider it a priority given the time we have available.
This is why the research illuminating the cognitive benefits of exercise is so compelling. Exercise enables us to soak in more information, work more efficiently, and be more productive.
And yet many of us continue to perceive it as a luxury; an activity we’d like to do if only we had more time.”
The article is great reminder of the scientific benefits working out supports. Simply put, when you workout your brain functions better allowing you to be more productive with your time. Being more ultimately allows you to have more time. To me, working out is like brushing & flossing your teeth, it’s not a luxury, it just needs to get done.
Check out “Regular Exercise is Part of Your Job.”