Jenn Chiaramonte, CF-L2, PN-L1, Community Engagement Manager
To say my nutrition journey started in 2017 would be a lie. Yes, that was the ultimate choice that got me to where I am today, but the journey really started when I was a kid. From a very young age, I was always told I was fat. I would never be considered the “pretty one” of the family because I was too fat for anyone to want me for my looks. So I was the “smart one”, or the “funny one”. In turn, I spent my life not focusing on my outside appearance but working on who I was on the inside. Fast forward a decade or so and I found CrossFit. I fell in love with what my body could do. When I started, I had no endurance, no cardio. But man oh man, could I lift some weight. And sometimes, I could lift weight really fast too! I always told myself “hey, you might not be the fastest, or the leanest, but darnit you will be the strongest!”, because even if you are fat at least you could be strong too. With CrossFit, you don’t have to be the best at any one thing, just good at a lot of things. So I could do a bunch of other stuff like pull-ups, burpees, box jumps, etc. and I was “okay” at them all. Fast forward a couple more years; I got married and popped out 2 wonderful kids. But, my back could no longer pull the weight it used to. My gymnastics were “meh” along with my cardio. I knew I had more inside me and I wasn’t reaching my full potential. I knew my nutrition was in the toilet. Two kids and a love of fast food will do that to you if you’re not careful. So I decided to get my nutrition under control. In about 9 months, I lost about 25 pounds. I went from a size 12 to a size 6, sometimes a 4, depending on the brand. I lost over 18 inches all over my body. My fitness went through the roof! I love running now, my lifts are getting stronger, and my gymnastics is so much better. But most of all, I’ve learned to love myself and what my body can do. I have learned that the number on the scale has absolutely nothing to do with how you feel. Most importantly, I learned that my self-worth is not defined by how I look on the outside. I have learned so much in fact, that I want you to get there too. So, I became certificated through Precision Nutrition and later on went through Healthy Steps Nutrition training program. And I am so excited to share what I've learned! I want you to see how nutrition can change even the tiniest cell in your body. I want to show you how balancing your nutrition can really change every facet of your life, not just fitness. I’d like to be your tour guide on the journey to a healthier, stronger, happier you!